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Sidestep to the left, March

In a recent flurry of activity to get ready for our 2012 Borodino Game at Historicon this summer, we have been comparing notes on how many general figures are available. Peter A. (Gonsalvo) and Barry F (Czar Barry) are putting together the massive scenario, complete with OoB's and map and specialized terrain. The rest of us slugs are painting troops and learning to use Piquet's Field of Battle, 2nd edition for the game.

Once, in a past life, I actually had over 1200 Russian Napoleonic figures, mostly minifigs, in 25mm.  I sold them off almost 20 years ago, but had kept figures from the collection no one wanted to purchase.  I mean, after all, Yankees never throw anything away, eh?!

Volunteering that I had at least two of the needed generals, I went into the Cellar of Doom  (the basement where I keep my toys) and found that actually, I have more than two.  I will remount them, and add them to the figures I am supplying for our partial Borodino scenario at "EllisCon" which is on November 19th near Danielson, CT. 

Now what you really want to see are the twenty year old figures, so here they are.  The basing will be finished prior to the EllisCon game.  ( Hence the title of the post, I am not finished with all the Russian cavalry I am to provide)

First up ( I know the photo is a little dark, batteries started to go) could be the Russian Artillery General in charge of the Artillery park, who died leading a counter attack into the Great Redoubt. 
 A possible Corps commander?  My painting style is different now that I use acrylics rather than alkyd enamels (think humbrol) as I did in the murky past.
 Two generals ( the one on the right is a pre 1978 minifig) in Bicornes
 Two officers in kiver and cap respectively.
 And last but not least, a Cossack commander for the hordes of the irregulars waiting to take the French left flank after they swim the river.

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