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Tekashi 6ix9ine is Dumb

"Rapper Takeshi "6ix9ine" or whatever he calls himself has allegedly entered into a plea deal effectively ending his life, and all of it at the age of 22. Barley out of high school. There's a transcript of all of this apparently, but I'm not spending one second learning about this asshole that I don't have to. Let's take this one by one...

He admitted to being paid for selling a kilo of heroin in 2017 but also seemingly turned against fellow gang members by claiming his actions were a result of the desire to rise higher in the rankings.

This idiot had the potential to earn tens of millions of dollars during even a short rap career but instead he wanted to sell a kilo of heroin to impress a bunch of dim bulbs that probably wouldn't even be alive within the next 12 months. Pretty stupid, even for a 22 year old. No one said you had to be brilliant to be a rapper.

The music artist said that early on into the gang membership he helped others try to kill a rival gang member March 20, 2018 to 'increase my own standing in Nine Trey'.
 He told Judge Paul A. Engelmayer. He said he also 'knew that another member of Nine Trey had a gun and discharged that gun'. 
 Hernandez claimed that alongside other members of the Nine Bloods he helped rob a rival at gunpoint on April 3, 2018. 

He robbed a guy. At gunpoint. In 2018. Less than a year ago all while - I assume - he was already a well known "artist". It's almost to stupid to believe. I just don't even know what to say about this.
The rapper said it was part of a pledge by new gang members to commit at least two crimes. 

"I pledge to commit at least two crimes". What are they a bunch of 11 year olds? "I promise to not reveal the location of our secret club, commit two crimes, and to kick James' ugly stupid sister in the butt". It's difficult to imagine this is how a gang operates but I guess they do.

There's a little more but I'm sick of reading about this imbecile. There was mention of a mandatory 47 year prison sentence, so he'd basically be eligible to be released just as he's turning 80 years old. What a fucking waste. We have to feed and house this dumbass for the rest of his life. Wouldn't it be easier to just take him outside, park a bullet in his head and bury him in an unmarked grave?  I guess that's not how America and it's stupid Constitution work though I guess. But hey, he might get some leniency for cooperating. What a fucking moron. I hope they toss his stupid ass in a cell and weld the door shut. Goodbye forever Tomcat 69.

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