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Green Bananas

One of the many blogs I like to visit is Notes from the VooDoo Cafe, written by Ricë Freeman-Zachery, an artist-writer-free-spirit in Midland, Texas.

Last night, before turning in after a long, hard day, while I was grousing about my aches and pains (Whiner should be my middle name), I visited Ricë's cafe.  She had found and posted a short video about another artist-performer, Ilona Royce Smithkin, that inspired me to shut up and be glad I can still buy green bananas.

I had my hair cut very short last Saturday, so that most of the white is what shows now, and I was thinking about getting it colored orange or purple, but I rather like Ilona's color.  More than that, though, I absolutely love her attitude and free-wheeling style.

(It appears that Google will not allow me to embed the video here, so if it doesn't play as it should, please use the link at Ilona's name.)

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