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Back in Black!

Hey guys Huron here again, just an announcement today. I am have gone back to the Black and have become an official Privateer Press Ganger again. The first event I am going to be running will be at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn, VA on Sunday January 23rd. Keep reading for all the details.

Huzzah Hobbies presents:


When: 1pm, Sunday, January 23, 2011
Cost: $5.00
Points: 25pts using Guts & Gears rules found below
Maximum Players: 8

Huzzah Hobbies
44927 George Washington Blvd
Suite 135
Ashburn, VA 20147

How do I sign up? Call 703-466-0460 and ask to have your name added to the list.

What is Guts & Gears?
Guts & Gears is a 25pt Tournament format for Warmachine and Hordes. Armies are comprised of 1 Warcaster (Warmachine) or 1 Warlock (Hordes) and any number of additional Warjacks (Warmachine) or Warbeasts (Hordes) following normal Field Allowance (FA) limits from a chosen faction. In addition each player is allowed to take either: A) One Unit available to their chosen faction; B) One Solo available to their chosen faction.

Players may not take Mercenary or Minion models unless they are using either a Mercenary or Minion Warcaster or Warlock to lead their army. Players who have chosen to include a unit may include any applicable Unit or Weapon attachments allowed.

If you have any questions please contact me by PM or at: jpowell37@gmail.com

Thanks for reading. I'll be back tomorrow with another new post, this time about the game that has me quaking in the trenches and wanting more... Flames of War!

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