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Rebel Left Ward Knights: Modelling

Well, I finally finished painting the ten knights and sergeants comprising my Left Ward cavalry for the Rebel army at Lewes. I will not repeat what i have previously posted as each knight within the unit has his own posting on this blog. This unit has what I regard as two sergeants and a squire (trumpeter) - the two former in the service of Rober de Vere, Earl of Oxford and the latter, a squire of the de Montfort family. As with my other units, I have not completed the bases until I have built the scenery making for the filed at Lewes. Only then, when my colours and textures are complete, will I match my bases to the terrain.

This essentially marks the half way point for my baronial army in the command of Simon de Montfort. For those who follow this blog, I have taken considerable pains to research each and every knight and as usual, hand painted the lot. I can certainly appreciate why this particular period is not more popular than it is in wargaming - the blazons and caparisons can take a hellishly long time. My next post will be an assembly of the army thus far.

I am not going to take abreak from Lewes for a while and switch to another project or two and my other related blog. I have also begun turning my mind to the windmill on the field of battle and noticed that Gripping Beast appear to have re-sculpted their horses so I may look to Simon de Montfort himself and his bodyguard cavalry for my Rebel Reserve Ward.

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