The latest example comes by way of the Wondrous Tale of the Tribulations of Poor Innocent Ahmed, Victimized Muslim Child of Color and Intrepid Inventor. I won't go through all the details; there're hundreds, if not thousands of stories out there. Let's just do a brief summary.
The Progressive version: Poor little 13-year-old Ahmed Mohammed likes to "invent" things. He is one of those nerdy kids who goes on to create Apple computers, one of those kids who makes America great. Well, the lad "invented" a clock; he "innocently" put it in a case, and took it to impress his teachers at school. These teachers, of course, work in Texas--Progressive
OK. Got the essence of the Progressive narrative? Naturally, the so-called President of the United States got into the act, inviting the aggrieved boy to the White House, to where, I assume, he will fly on a plane and enter the White House without having anybody inspect his device. Right? Facebook's Zuckerberg jumped in, as well, praising the kid, and offering him an internship; the idiots at MIT, once the world's foremost STEM school, had to prove that they're also with it, lauded his "invention," and invited Ahmed to MIT. Again, can we assume he will to fly to Facebook HQs or MIT without having his device inspected or maybe not even allowed on board a plane?
All this, of course, is yet another Progressive scam, another Progressive fairy tale right up there with prior ones such as Duke LaCrosse rapists/racists, Trayvon Martin and his Skittles, "Hands up! Don't Shoot!", UVA frat rapes, and "refugees" from Central America and Syria.
I've seen many home-made bombs and suicide vests in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, and Indonesia. Anybody looking at Little Ahmed's "invention" on first glance, and especially somebody who hasn't dealt with bombs, real or hoax, would have an understandable concern. His "clock" looks like almost every bomb portrayed in movies and TV shows: shiny case, timer, wires running to a circuit board, dangling electrical plug, 9 volt battery back-up connection, blinking lights, buzzing. Whatever you do, Lieutenant, do not cut the red cable! On closer examination--and you can find pictures all over the internet--one realizes that this is a bogus gadget set up as a "hoax" bomb. Quite deliberately done, too, I might add.
Clever Little Brilliant Ahmed "invented" nothing. There I said it. He "invented" nothing.
His "cool" clock is a disassembled 1970s/1980s alarm clock (please go here and here for an excellent take-down of the "invention"). Simply put, he or his dad (we'll get back to him) took the guts out of an old alarm clock, scattered them inside a case, and off to school Little Ahmed goes with an unassigned, unsolicited project. The teachers, quite rightly, got worried and called the cops--as they are required--and reported what they thought to be a hoax bomb. They did not say a bomb; they said a hoax bomb. The police report that Little Ahmed was very "passive aggressive" and evasive in his answers--as though, perhaps, he'd been coached, hmmm?
Now the plot thickens and sickens even more. Little Ahmed's Big Daddy is no less than--drumroll!--Mohammed El Hassan Mohammed, a Sudanese immigrant who has gone back and forth to Sudan and been mixed up in Sudanese politics for some time. A well-known Muslim activist, he has been in the news before for his stunts. Oh, yes, did I mention that he also owns a computer repair shop? Hmmm? All mere coincidence? You decide.
So now we see yet another chapter in the Progressives unending war on common sense. The next time we will have a real bomb that nobody reports for fear of getting stamped as a racist, or, even worse, an ISLAMAPHOBE!!! And, of course, let us not forget that this happened in Irving, Texas, precisely the town that recently rejected Sharia courts. Mere Coincidence? Nah. Revenge!
One last thought. Imagine, if you will, it is 1943. A white kid named Friedrich Hans Müller, whose father is a well-known Nazi activist, shows up at school with a ticking, buzzing, blinking briefcase. What would have been the reaction?
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