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NEW TRACK: Jacquees "Hot For Me" Feat. Lil' Keed & Lil' Gotit!

R&B Artist Jacquees just released his new "Hot For Me" track feat. Lil' Keed & Lil' Gotit!  Check it out below!   He also recently released his "Who's" single & music video featuring Rapper Dreezy!

Jacquees dropped his  "Your Peace" single feat. Lil' Baby!   He also recently released the music video for his "23" single which is directly lifted from his debut 4275 studio album!  Jacquees - the rising vocalist in the game also released his fourth EP album titled This Time I'm Serious back in March 2018!  

Jacquees "Hot For Me" Feat. Lil' Keed & Lil' Gotit!

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