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The UK 30-40+ Blogger Meet Up: It's Happening. Plus Links à la Mode

UK 30-40+ Blogger Meet Up 2014
I mentioned it in my 2014 blog goals post last week, I've been Tweeting about it and I've been emailing people... yes, the 2014 UK 30-40+ Blogger Meet Up is definitely happening - and if you're able to make it, you're invited! I can't back out now as there's been so much interest already (yay!), so here's what I'm planning:

I wanted to organise a blogger meet up that caters for a group that I think is somewhat under-represented in the UK: the slightly older blogger, anything from 30 upwards, who doesn't blog about parenting. I want it to be a meet-up free of baby and mummy talk - not just because I'm not a mum myself, but because I think a lot of older women would like to have a break from being "just a mum" and talk about and enjoy the things we girls love so much: clothes, hair and make-up - and blogging itself.

Who's invited?

Please understand: everyone is invited - nobody is excluded. It doesn't matter how young or old you are, whether you're a mum or not or whether you blog about parenting or not; it's just that the event will be simply geared towards a 30-40+ audience and not revolve around anything mummy-orientated. If this appeals to you then that's the only criteria there is.


I know location is always an issue and I don't want to host it in London for a few reasons: accommodation is incredibly expensive in London, you can't really drive there and I don't want to chance transport problems like tube strikes. So I'm thinking the middle of the south of England - most likely Reading as it's got good train and motorway links (giving park and ride options), and I grew up there so know it pretty well. I live in Devon so I personally need to be reasonably close in order to organise and visit, and the reaction to Reading so far has been quite positive.

Date and time

I've been mentioning summertime in my Tweets - I'm thinking late summer just after the kids have gone back to school (mid September and almost certainly a Saturday, from lunchtime onwards). Hopefully still quite warm and past the time most of us would have been away on summer holiday, and enough time in the year for me to organise everything.

How do I register my interest?

All you need to do is either leave me a comment in this post with your name and email address or drop me an email direct: notdressedaslamb(at)gmail(dot)com - I will put you on the mailing list for now to keep you up to date with details (of course absolutely no obligation to attend at this point). I already have one brand interested in sponsoring the event so it's off to a good start!


Please spread the word - if you Tweet about it please include a link to this post and the hashtag #3040bloggermeet. I would LOVE to hear from you so we can make this meet up a huge success and grow our British blogging community! Any ideas or people you think I should get in touch with are all welcomed too, please don't be shy in suggesting anything. I don't want anyone to be "too scared to go" because they won't know anyone, or they're not good at meeting new people... the last thing I'll be organising is a snooty, we're-all-so-trendy meet up. (I'm not super confident about meeting new people either, don't worry.) If you've not been to one before please consider it, everyone is always so friendly at these events and you'll always have lots to talk about: blogging!

Finally... I'm featured on Links à la Mode this week in IFB - do check out the fabulous links below :)
Catherine x
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Style, Actually

With Fashion Month and Valentine's Day coming up, it's all about looking your best, even when it's yucky outside. Sharing the love, or sharing fashion week survival tips, this week's roundup has everything you need to know to get through the next few weeks. Trust me, surviving Valentine's Day? Sleepless nights at NYFW? Yikes. So pull out your box of candy hearts and check out these amazing links!

Links à la Mode: February 6th

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