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HALLOWEEN 12 : My make-up

 I will share some proper pictures of my Halloween make-up as soon as I have them but for now I only have two!!!! I didn't get a chance to go too mad last night because of my radio show first thing on a Thursday morning but I enjoyed getting dressed up. I was determinded to look as sick as possible. I think I might have managed it.

I spent three hours doing my make-up. I used a combination of wax and latex to get the skin and dotted fake blood and eyeshadows throughout the mix to get the off color bits. It's worthwhile using google images while doing make-up like this. It was great to be able to google 'zombie bruises' and find a few images for inspiration. I was a bit disapointed with my wax on my eye  - it wasn't the best idea. But I  think it went well.
How grim is that!??!?!?!? I am so proud of the infected skin under my nose and the cut on top of my nose.

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