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Top 10 Ideas That Everyone Used To Believe

Original source : http://www.smashinglists.com
Posted : October 2013
Author : Kate

Nowadays, with our speedy communications and the whole of human knowledge at the press of a button, it’s tempting to think that we have the monopoly on ideas. That everything we believe is infallible and it’s only people in the past that had these crazy theories. But let’s not get too smug – after all, the “crazy theories” of the past were, at the time, widely accepted as credible and, in their own way, “proven”. So, in 100 years’ time, future people may look back at our non-flying cars and finger-operated internet devices (while using their own iPads through the power of their minds) and laugh. But if we’re going to be mocked in the future, we might as well look at some of the commonly-accepted ideas of the past and be glad that things have moved on…

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