After the lockdown restrictions were lifted, Alia Bhatt began shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Gangubai Kathiawadi. The film was supposed to release in September, but owing to the pandemic, the schedule of the film went for a toss. Alia Bhatt had to push her dates alloted for SS Rajamouli's RRR as Gangubai's shooting was extended by two weeks. However , now the actress has wrapped up Gangubai and will start shooting for RRR from today.
SS Rajamouli's magnum opus will mark Alia Bhatt's debut in the south. With Ram Charan and Jr NTR in the lead, the film also stars Ajay Devgn. On Sunday morning, Alia Bhatt took to her Instagram stories to share a boomerang of herself as she headed for the shoot of RRR. "Enroute the shoot of RRR," she wrote along with the boomerang.
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According to a source, “Alia has one big song-and-dance number in RRR which she may sing in her own voice. The only problem is her accent in Tamil and Telugu, in which case she will sing for herself only in the Hindi version of RRR.”
ALSO READ: SCOOP: After Ajay Devgn, Aamir Khan joins Jr. NTR and Ram Charan’s RRR directed by SS Rajamouli
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