Ashleigh, Bret and I had the BEST long weekend in Savannah! I was just too exhausted when I got home Monday night to write about it, but never fear...I've planned out recaps galore for eating, drinking and shopping one's way through town if you've only got a couple days to do it!
My friend Bret went to college in Savannah, so I spent a lot of time visiting there back in the early to mid-aughts, but hadn't been back in about 6 years. It was so much fun to go back with him again and sort of relive my college visits, but have Ashleigh join in and also — big difference — have a little more disposable income! His family kindly let us tag along to their beach rental at Tybee Island, which gave us a nice taste of city life and island life for the weekend.
First, just a few snapshots.
I can't help but pause all over Savannah taking snapshots of architectural the mounted antler outside this courtyard!
The door on a Wells Fargo bank...gorgeous!
Ashleigh demonstrates the precarious centuries-old stairs.
We spent part of a day swimming at Tybee Island. So much fun!
We posted so many photos, we were sure our friends were going to defriend us, but Ashleigh said, "If they don't like our pics, they're not our friends" and we laughed so hard.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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