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Jack W, Looque & Shawn N by Micky Wong for Designare Homme

Days of Being Wild–+3 mod­els Jack W., Looque and Shawn N. are immersed within a set’s shad­ows for their fash­ion spread in Des­ignare Homme. Behind the lens is pho­tog­ra­pher Micky Wong as the trio of boys don poly­ester suit pieces, embroi­dered jack­ets and hooded parkas amongst a vari­ety of acces­sories includ­ing pat­terned scarves and caps, all from a num­ber of labels like Burberry Pror­sum, Prada and Calvin Klein as styled by Jumius Wong. / Groom­ing by Sek­san Using. Courtesy of - thefashionisto.com

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