Apple iPad Available Today!!!
The very fact you are reading this article means you are a digital content consumer and as Thomas Edison once said, "There is a way to do it better–find it!!!" and that day has come.
Mark my words; for decades to come, today will be remembered as the day that computers took their most significant step forward, and this is all due to the advent of the Apple iPad. Many people have been criticizing the Apple iPad saying things like you should stay away from it since it is a 1.0 version or that it lacks a camera.
This is all nonsense. If you really think about it, it is more of a 4.0 version of the iPhone–than anything else. 1.0 versions don't have more than a 150,000 applications that can run on them on launch day!!!
Apple was actually brilliant to create the first version for soccer moms and grandparents. That is really the beauty of the iPad is that anybody can just start using it. In the next iterations we will see it geared with features that geeks desire. The iPad weight only 1.5 pounds and can run for more than 10 hours on one charge. In many ways it is a laptop replacement and for most people will be a laptop and desktop replacement, and it starts at only $499!!!
As an online publisher, I am extremely excited because I think the ultimate way to read and explore Jake's Rolex World Magazine will be on the iPad. On the day of launch, Apple has signed up every single major publisher to distribute digital books through the iTunes store with the bizarre exception of Random House. GQ Magazine is extremely excited about the iPad and put together the following video that shows how the digital iPad version of iPad will work:
I don't want to confuse you, but the guy in the video above talks in this next video which was shot 3 months prior to the one above about their fascinating Mag+ platform. It is funny because if you look closely at 4:28 into the video there is a Rolex ad ;-)
Jimmy Fallon with Engadget's Josh Topolsky
Checking Out The iPad
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